6 Safety Tips for Your Pets When Using Diffusers at Home
Many people nowadays use diffusers both as a means for relaxation and to give their home a pleasant smell. Diffusers offer a convenient and affordable way to enjoy the various benefits of aromatherapy, such as providing a sense of calm and relaxation, improving one’s mood, and helping with sleeping problems, among others.
Specific essential oils used in diffusers also have different effects.
For instance, lavender can help soothe anxiety, while ginger oil is known to ease cold symptoms. Homeowners who’ve invested in their own diffusers likely enjoy selecting different oils for these practical uses.
All that being said, however, if you have pets at home, then using your diffuser should always be done with proper care and precaution.

After all, your pet’s sense of smell is much stronger than yours. What could be a soothing smell to you may instead be irritating or even overwhelming for them, which can then lead to sneezing, coughing, or other respiratory distress on their part.
That said, here are some tips to ensure your pet will be safe whenever you use a diffuser at home:
1) Use Pet-Safe Essential Oils

Before using any essential oil in your diffuser, make sure to check if it’s pet-friendly first. Some essential oils—such as lavender, ginger, chamomile, rosemary, myrrh, and bergamot—are safe and may even be beneficial for your pet, so consider sticking to these scents.
Meanwhile, avoid peppermint, cinnamon, and citrus oils, as these can be toxic to them. If you’re unsure about the safety of the essential oil you want to use, it’s best to consult your veterinarian first—more so if your pet already has a respiratory condition such as asthma.
2) Keep an Eye on Your Pet’s Behavior

Next, observe your pet for any unusual behavior as you’re using your diffuser. Look out for signs such as sneezing, coughing, lethargy, or difficulty breathing to determine right away if your diffuser is causing them any distress.
If they indeed start showing those signs, then immediately turn off the diffuser and ventilate the room to clear out the scent. You may also bring your pet to a different area in your house where the scent won’t reach them.
To further ease their stress, you can then wrap them up in their comfort blanket or set out branded dog toys from your favorite dog toy manufacturers and other knick-knacks to relax them and give them a distraction.
3) Ensure Proper Ventilation in Your Home

When using a diffuser, make sure you’re doing so in a well-ventilated area so that the air won’t be too saturated with essential oil particles. Having your diffuser in too small or enclosed a space with your pet can easily overwhelm them, which can potentially lead to breathing problems and general discomfort.
Also avoid placing the diffuser near places that your pet frequents, such as their crate or sleeping area. This ensures that the smell won’t linger in their space even long after the diffuser is turned off.
4) Opt for a Water-Based Diffuser

You may also want to opt for a water-based diffuser whenever your pet’s around. Unlike other types of diffusers, water-based diffusers provide a gradual and milder scent release, allowing your pet to slowly get used to the new smell rather than being overwhelmed by a sudden burst of it.
Since the essential oil is being diluted in the water first, there’s also less concentration of essential oil particles in the air compared to other diffusers. This lower concentration reduces the risk of respiratory irritation for pets that already have sensitive respiratory systems.
5) Limit Diffusion Time

Even with essential oils that are deemed safe for them, constantly exposing your pet to diffusers for hours on end can still have negative effects.
Set a limit each time you use your diffuser, aiming for intervals of 15-20 minutes at a time with ample breaks in between. This will be enough to spread the scent in your home without it being overpowering to your pets.
In addition, make sure you use your diffuser’s timer and mist settings accordingly. The former ensures that the diffuser won’t run for too long even if you forget to turn it off, while the latter lets you control the intensity of oil diffusion in your home.
6) Keep Diffusers Out of Your Pet’s Reach

Finally, always be mindful of where you place your diffuser and make sure it’s completely out of your pet’s reach.
Direct contact with essential oils, even if they’re already diluted in water, can cause irritation on your pet’s skin. Moreover, if the diffuser’s contents spill and your curious pet happens to try licking it, then they may also suffer from stomach problems.
Note that this reminder doesn’t only apply to your diffuser, but with your essential oil bottles as well. Make sure those are locked away when not in use, as ingestion of essential oils can be highly toxic for your pet.
There may be nothing more relaxing than being able to turn your diffuser on after a long and tiring day, but make sure this me-time of yours won’t be at the expense of your pet’s health.
Before you start up your diffuser, remember to follow the tips above to make sure that you and your pet can both enjoy the relaxing scent of your essential oils without any worries.