Siberian Fir Essential Oil: Its Benefits, Uses, and Origins
Fir and other coniferous trees are known as the guardian trees of the Earth or forest healers because of their purifying and cleansing properties. These towering evergreens are widely used for timber and resin and their essential oil. They give out a fresh, crisp, earthy aroma and also carry with it several medicinal values.
What is a Siberian Fir?
Firs are evergreen coniferous trees with a flat needle-like leaves and upright cones. They are an excellent source of timber and resin. Fir belongs to the family Pinaceae which is mostly found in North and Central America, Europe, Asia, and North Africa. There are about 40 species of the genus Abies which can grow up to 50 meters in height.
Siberian fir is native to Eastern Russia Turkestan, Mongolia, and China as it prefers cool and moist climate. It can grow up to a height of 30 meters. Their leaves are light green, soft, and flat and release an aromatic scent.
Siberian fir essential oil is extracted from the leaves and twigs of this coniferous plant. It has a fresh balsamic, sweet undertone with a crisp, pine top note.

Chemically, the principal components of the oil are bornyl acetate, camphene, 3-carene, tricyclene, dsl-limonene, α-pinene, caryophyllene, β-phellandrene, borneol, and α-terpinene. These components are also found in other coniferous essential oils but what sets the Siberian fir apart from others is the concentration of these components.
The bornyl acetate component found in Siberian fir is twice the amount compared to white firs. Bornyl acetate is an analgesic. It provides the oil it’s anti-inflammatory properties. Siberian fir essential oil is also richer in alpha pinene, a compound that is used to treat various respiratory illnesses.
Traditional Uses of Fir
In ancient Egypt, fir oil was valued for its ability to promote healthy hair and scalp. Fir oil was used to improve the growth of hair and keep the scalp healthy and free from infections.
Native Americans use the fir leaves that they put under their pillows to promote peaceful sleep. They also burn leaves and stems to alleviate the pain that women experience after giving birth.
Its shoot and oil for medicine. It was used to treat respiratory problems such as cold, coughs, bronchitis, and tuberculosis.

Siberian Fir Essential Oil Benefits
Fights infection
Fir essential oil prevents infection by combating different strains of bacteria. The component’s alpha pinene, limonene, camphene, and myrcene give the oil its antibacterial and antimicrobial properties.
Reduces stress
Siberian fir essential oil is known for its calming and relaxing effect. This is because of the alpha pinene and D3 carene that interacts with the neurotransmitters which helps support the brain. It helps release tension from the body and allows relaxation. Siberian fir essential oil is one of the most calming of the conifer oils.
Siberian fir can be blended with lavender essential oil and used in a diffuser to relieve the body of stress after a long day.
Improves the skin
Siberian oil gives a soothing effect on the skin. It can treat minor skin irritations and lighten the skin tone with regular use.
Alleviates pain
Siberian fir essential oil’s anti-inflammatory property can help ease muscle and joint pains. It helps to get rid of persistent muscle pains and soreness when applied to affected area. This oil can be diluted with a carrier oil and massaged into the skin after a strenuous activity.
Cleanses the body
Siberian fir essential oil’s ability to stimulate the functions of the liver and induce sweating makes it an excellent natural diuretic to help the body get rid of toxins.
For respiratory issues
Siberian fir oil’s anti-inflammatory property works well on sore throats and inflammation of the bronchial area. It also helps in expelling excessive mucus from the respiratory system. It relieves the symptoms of colds and flu and helps speed up recovery.
Siberian fir oil’s ability to clear the airways is very useful for people suffering from colds or have troubles with allergies. It also promotes sinus health, which can minimize symptoms of cold and flu.
Rids unwanted odors
Siberian essential oil helps get rid of foul and unwanted smell by combating odor-causing bacteria, thanks to its antiperspirant and antibacterial properties.
It can also be used as an air freshener around the house. A blend of silver fir, cedarwood, eucalyptus, and tea tree oil can be added to water and sprayed into different rooms inside the house for a fresh, clean scent.
Get your own bottle of Silver Fir Essential Oil today!

Safety Tips and Precautions
Always dilute essential oils in carrier oils before applying it on the skin. A patch skin test should be done first to determine any allergic reactions. Keep the oil away from sensitive areas such as the eyes and insides of the ears.
It is not recommended to ingest fir essential oil as they are not food grade.
A number of fir essential oils are also not suitable for regular use. The maximum amount of time a person may this oil would be two weeks.
For pregnant women, it is recommended to seek the advice of a qualified aromatherapy practitioner before using fir essential oil. Some oils may have properties that could induce menstruation and can cause a miscarriage. For breastfeeding mothers, it is not advisable to use the oil on the skin.
To people suffering from extensive skin injuries, acute skin diseases, feverish or infectious diseases, cardiac insufficiency, or extreme muscle tightness (hypertonia), this essential oil can cause irritation so it is not recommended to apply on the skin or used in bathwater.